You have questions, we have answers!
Our blog is here to be a constant resource for all your orthopedic and sports medicine needs.

Let’s Talk Joint Replacement – A Q&A With Dr. Broome
Dr. Broome emphasizes the 'trifecta of joint replacements,' highlighting the importance of a surgeon's experience, advanced pain management techniques, and the choice of a specialized surgical facility. His approach at San Antonio Orthopædic Specialists focuses on less invasive surgical methods and opioid-sparing pain protocols, ensuring a quicker and more comfortable recovery for patients.

A shoulder replacement Patient Testimonial for Dr. Marx
After the surgery, there was absolutely no pain. There’s no limit to what I can do.

Rotator Cuff Surgery Recovery With Dr. Marx
Rotator Cuff Repair is one of the most common shoulder surgeries performed today. Let’s dive into Rotator Cuff Surgery Recovery with our Fellowship-Trained Shoulder Surgeon, Dr. Marx!

What Does The ACL Injury Recovery Look Like?
Recovering from an ACL injury can be a challenging process, often requiring surgery. Learn more about the five stages of rehab after an ACL injury with Dr. Marx!

How Long Does It Take To Become An Orthopaedic Surgeon?
The path to becoming an orthopaedic surgeon is paved with dedication, perseverance, and relentless pursuit of knowledge. Let’s dive into the specifics of this profession!

How to Deal with Hip Flexor Pain
Hip flexor pain is, well, painful. How does this pain occur? Continue reading to find out!

Ensuring Surgical Precision
Discover the extensive safeguards and protocols in place that prevent surgical errors, including operating on the wrong body part. Learn why San Antonio Orthopaedic Specialists provides a safe and secure environment for your surgical needs.

Treatment Options for Arthritis of the Knees & Hips with Dr. Harris
You’ve probably heard of arthritis at this point, but do you really understand what it is? Continue reading to learn more as Dr. Harris dives deep into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options!

What Is An ACL Injury?
ACL injuries are the most common knee injury in young athletes particularly in those who play basketball, football, or soccer. Learn more about how this injury occurs, how to prevent it, and what your treatment options are.

What Implant Is Best for a knee replacement?
We asked Dr. Broome what his favorite knee implant is to use for knee replacement surgery — read along to find out which one he chooses and why!

Help Dr. Harris Reach His Fundraising Goal!
Help Dr. Harris reach his fundraising goal, so that JDRF can continue to do groundbreaking work, and turn Type One into Type None!

Is Crossfit Safe?
As athletes seek to incorporate something new and challenging into their fitness regimen, Crossfit often appeals to them. Many of them wonder: Is Crossfit safe?

Common Football Injuries & How To Prevent Them
Football is a high-energy, high-impact, contact type of sport. So there are going to be injuries as part of that game, but what we want to do is help lower that risk and help prevent them.

Does Your Hospital have Advanced Certification For Joint Replacement?
We are now partnering with the South Texas Spine and Surgical Hospital to obtain for the hospital, a certification for advanced total joint programs.