Shoulder Specialists
in San Antonio
Shoulder Preservation
Not all treatments for shoulder pain are surgical. Shoulder preservation is based on the idea that non-invasive procedures like injections, Lipogems, and PRP can minimize pain and delay the need for surgery. Learn more about shoulder preservation treatment San Antonio Orthopædic Specialists — your trusted shoulder doctors in San Antonio.
Shoulder arthroscopy
The more treatment options you have, the better chance we can find your solution. Our San Antonio shoulder surgeon and shoulder specialists are experienced and fellowship trained to provide the best treatment options for your shoulder pain. Learn more about shoulder arthroscopy in San Antonio from San Antonio Orthopædic Specialists.
Shoulder Replacement
Are you in continuous pain in your shoulder, and conservative treatments no longer work? It may be time to consider researching and learning about how a Shoulder Replacement, performed by an experienced San Antonio shoulder surgeon, could get you feeling better. Learn more about when to consider a shoulder replacement from San Antonio Orthopaedic Specialists.
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