Hip Specialists
in San Antonio
Hip Preservation
Not all treatments for hip pain are surgical. Often there are simple ways to decrease your hip pain and improve your function without having surgery. Learn more about hip preservation treatments in San Antonio from San Antonio Orthopædic Specialists.
Hip Replacement
Are you in continuous pain in your lower back or hip, and conservative treatments no longer work? It may be time to consider researching and learning about how a Total Hip Replacement could get you feeling better. Learn more about when to consider a total hip replacement from San Antonio Orthopædic Specialists.

Hip CONDITIONS WE TREAT AT SAn Antonio ORthopaedic Specialists
visit our video library to find more information on the hip
“As my friends and family know, I had both of my hips replaced by Dr. Harris, at the same time, 2 1/2 years ago. He is the best in his field and at the top of his game. I have my active life back with minimal to no pain, an unbelievable recovery, and feel like I did 15 years ago physically. He’s the doc to handle your hip replacements! Their hospital setup, (the doctors privately own it) is a great example of how all hospitals should be run. I would recommend no other place to handle my joint replacements!”
— Gyendolyn - Facebook

what you need to know about a total hip replacement
Our Latest Blog Posts regarding All Things Hip
We try to keep up with our doctors by getting content directly from them and their patients!
Adam I. Harris, MD
Board Certified, Fellowship Trained Orthopaedic Surgeon
Brandon Broome, MD
Board Certified, Fellowship Trained Orthopaedic Surgeon
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