Tennis and Golf Injury Specialists in San Antonio
Get back into the game, safely & Fast.
What is a common injury in tennis and golf?
Tendonitis (tendinitis) is the most common type of injury in golf and tennis.
Tendonitis (tendinitis) is the inflammation of tendons, thick fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone. The condition causes pain and tenderness just outside a joint. Due to the repetitive motions of swinging or twisting in golf and tennis, overuse can result in tendonitis (tendinitis) as it puts stress on the tendons. In tennis players and golfers, tendonitis is most common in the shoulder and elbow. Learning correct movements and ensuring you are properly warmed up will help mitigate the risk of injury.
WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF tendonitis (tendinitis)?
The most common symptoms of a tendonitis (tendinitis) include:
Difficulty moving the joint
Pain in a tendon that increases as you move
Grating or crackling during movement