Shoulder Arthroscopy
in San Antonio
What is shoulder arthroscopy?
Shoulder arthroscopy, or shoulder scope surgery, refers to viewing the inside of the shoulder joint through a small surgical camera called an arthroscope. The image from the camera allows the surgeon to operate inside the joint with minimal incisions. The doctors of San Antonio Orthopædic Specialists have extensive training and experience in shoulder arthroscopy.
Historically, shoulder surgery involved a large incision and more invasive techniques that lead to longer recovery times. Today, arthroscopic surgery has advanced the quality of care and the average downtime. Orthopeadic Surgeons like Dr. Harris and Dr. Marx have made it possible for surgical shoulder repair to be an outpatient procedure.
Advantages of shoulder Arthroscopy
The advantages of shoulder arthroscopy over the traditional open shoulder surgery include:
Smaller incisions
Minimal trauma to surrounding ligaments, muscles, and tissues
Less pain
Faster recovery
Lower infection rate
Less scarring
Earlier mobilization
Shorter hospital stay
What conditions can shoulder arthroscopy treat?
The Doctors at San Antonio Orthopædic Specialists utilizes arthroscopic shoulder surgery to correct a number of acute and degenerative conditions of the shoulder, including:
Rotator cuff tears
Torn labrum
Shoulder dislocation
Shoulder separation
Biceps tendinitis
Torn biceps tendon
AC joint arthritis
Torn cartilage
Loose bodies