You have questions, we have answers!
Our blog is here to be a constant resource for all your orthopedic and sports medicine needs.

Let’s Talk Joint Replacement – A Q&A With Dr. Broome
Dr. Broome emphasizes the 'trifecta of joint replacements,' highlighting the importance of a surgeon's experience, advanced pain management techniques, and the choice of a specialized surgical facility. His approach at San Antonio Orthopædic Specialists focuses on less invasive surgical methods and opioid-sparing pain protocols, ensuring a quicker and more comfortable recovery for patients.

Does Your Hospital have Advanced Certification For Joint Replacement?
We are now partnering with the South Texas Spine and Surgical Hospital to obtain for the hospital, a certification for advanced total joint programs.

Who Are All The People In The OR?
When you make it to surgery, you might notice that there are a number of different people in the operating room apart from just a surgeon.

In a total hip replacement, we remove the ball to insert metal and plastic to make up for bone and cartilage loss. These parts are artificial, but serve the same function as our own. There are no nerves in the metal or plastic so the pain associated with the rubbing of ‘bone on bone’ in the joint is relieved.