TENDINITIS Specialists in San Antonio

Get back into the game, safely & Fast.


Tendinitis is the inflammation of the thick fibrous cords that link the muscle to the bone. This condition ultimately causes tenderness and pain in areas that are adjacent to the joints. Any tendon can be affected by tendinitis, but it is most commonly found in:

  • Shoulders

  • Elbows

  • Wrists

  • Knees

  • Heels

Rest, physical therapy, and pain-relief medication typically constitute effective treatments for the majority of tendinitis cases. If a tendon is chronically inflamed, then it can possibly tear (which will require immediate surgery).

Sports Medicine Physician San Antonio


Achilles tendinitis: The overuse of the band that connects your calf muscles to your heel bone.

Golfer’s elbow: A condition where there is pain in the tendons in your forearm muscles that attach to the bump on the inside of the elbow.

Patellar tendinitis: An injury to the tendon that connects the kneecap (patella) to the shinbone.

• Tennis elbow: An injury caused by excessive movements of the wrist and arm.

can these injuries be prevented?

YES! Preventing tendinitis is possible and we recommended that you focus on strengthening your muscles and stretch accordingly. In addition, you have to be mindful and avoid certain activities that place a large amount of stress on your tendons. Mixing up your exercises and activity will also help to reduce your chances of developing tendinitis by maintaining a combination of both high-impact and low impact exercises. Lastly, make sure that your chair, keyboard, and desktop are positioned correctly for your height, arm length, and for the tasks you are performing. It will also be beneficial to look into getting professional instruction when utilizing new exercise equipment, or when beginning a new sport.

ARE YOU Experiencing pain in your elbow? LET’S CONNECT!

When Should You COme to See A Sports Medicine Physician?

Meet Our Sports Medicine Physician

Dr. Marx

Dr. Marx is a specialist in treating the shoulder, elbow, and knee. He has expertise in both arthroscopic and open techniques for injuries to ligaments, meniscus, cartilage, rotator cuff, and labrum in addition to shoulder replacement surgery. He enjoys treating patients and athletes of all ages and abilities, working to help them get back to the activities that are most important in their lives.

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