Is Shoulder Pain Keeping You From Your Favorite Activities?

We have non-surgical and surgical solutions.


There is no reason that you should be suffering from shoulder pain when there are various options to improve your quality of life. The good news is, there is a doctor who is ready to help find a solution.

Rotator Cuff Specialists in San Antonio

Find Your Solution Today!

Fill out the form below or call us at (726) 204-4126

Do any of these describe you?

• Joint Stiffness

• Joint Pain (intermittent or chronic)

• Pain When Reaching For Something

• Limited Range of Motion

• Neck Pain

• Frozen Shoulder

• Loss of Flexibility

• Loss of Sleep Due to Pain

Common motions that cause injury to the rotator cuff are:

Repetitive overhead type work can be the kind of motions that start putting your shoulder at risk. If day-in-day-out, you're serving tennis balls, throwing baseballs. or maybe you work in construction and you're doing a lot of overhead work. This can cause damage to your rotator cuff.

When should you see a shoulder specialist?

If you've tried taking some time off from the sports you enjoy doing, whether it's lifting weights, rowing, or golfing. Tried anti-inflammatories, icing, and some stretching exercises. If it's still not getting better, then that's the time that you might start thinking about surgery to improve your shoulder function and pain. Now, a lot of that has to do with what the problem is at its basis, but kind of if you walk through each of those steps and take the simple options first and they don't get better then we start talking a little bit more seriously about a surgical solution.

Meet Our Rotator Cuff Specialist

Dr. Marx

Dr. Marx is a specialist in treating the shoulder, elbow, and knee. He has expertise in both arthroscopic and open techniques for injuries to ligaments, meniscus, cartilage, rotator cuff, and labrum in addition to shoulder replacement surgery. He enjoys treating patients and athletes of all ages and abilities, working to help them get back to the activities that are most important in their lives.

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