Ensuring Surgical Precision

What is the likelihood of operating on the wrong body part?

In the realm of modern medicine, surgical procedures have become increasingly precise and safer than ever before. Advancements in technology, rigorous training, and stringent protocols ensure that surgical errors, such as operating on the wrong body part, are extremely rare. It is now next to impossible for the wrong body part to be mistakenly operated on due to the system that has been put into place. At San Antonio Orthopaedic Specialists, we take pride in the comprehensive measures that ensure you receive the precise care that you need.

The Importance of Surgical Timeouts

Not too long ago, we were asked about the possibility of having the wrong body part operated on - this was shocking as the amount of protocols that are present in the operating room before surgery begins is expansive. Surgeons cannot do anything in the operating room until a surgical timeout has been called.

A surgical timeout is a critical moment before the start of any procedure where the surgical team pauses to ensure that all necessary precautions have been taken. It serves as an opportunity to verify crucial information, including patient consent and the correct surgical site. SAOS prioritizes these timeouts, recognizing them as a vital step in preventing errors.

Verification and Consent

During a surgical timeout, the medical team ensures that the patient has signed the consent form, indicating the correct leg or body part that requires attention. This step is crucial in confirming the patient's understanding of the procedure and their agreement with the surgeon's plan.

Moreover, the surgeon personally signs the operative side, further solidifying the accuracy of the intended surgery. By doing so, SAOS places emphasis on meticulousness and reinforces the commitment to patient safety.

Room Consensus and Cross-Checking

In addition to individual verifications, every person present, including medical professionals and support staff, participates in the verification process. During a surgical timeout, the team reviews all relevant information, such as X-rays, patient records, and consent forms. Each member of the team agrees that these documents align with the intended procedure, ensuring that all necessary preparations are in place.

Precise results

In the world of modern medicine, patient safety remains a top priority. San Antonio Orthopaedic Specialists exemplifies this commitment by implementing a range of stringent protocols and measures to prevent surgical errors. The comprehensive approach, including surgical timeouts, verification and consent procedures, room consensus, and advanced technological integration, ensures that operating on the wrong body part is next to impossible nowadays.

If you need a sports medicine or joint replacement expert, or you're dealing with hip, knee, or shoulder pain and need an orthopedic specialist to help you heal, your search ends here. Contact us today at San Antonio Orthopaedic Specialists to learn more about our services, schedule your initial appointment, and begin your healing journey!


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