Hip Flexor Sprain Specialists in San Antonio

Get back into the game, safely & Fast.

What is a hip flexor sprain?

Hip flexor strains are often caused by overuse through activities that involve heavy use of the hip flexor such as in soccer, football (kickers), dance, or cycling, to name a few. Strains can also be caused through extended periods of sitting which can cause the muscles to contract for too long. Having weak hip flexors or muscular imbalances in your hips can also put you at a higher risk for strains. To avoid injury, it is best to strengthen and lengthen your hip flexors.

Ways to strengthen and lengthen your hip flexors:

  • Practice good posture to strengthen your core

  • Dynamic stretching (stretching in motion) to lengthen your hip flexors

  • If sitting all day, remember to get up and walk around once in a while

WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF A hip flexor sprain?

The most common symptoms include:

  • Sharp pain in the hip or pelvic muscles when lifting your knee to your chest or attempting to stretch

  • Muscle spasms or cramping in your upper leg muscles

  • Difficulty performing running, skipping, or jumping activities

Are You Experiencing Constant Pain? Let’s get in touch!

Did You Know That Sprains and Broken Bones Often Present with Similar Symptoms?

Meet Our Sports Medicine Specialist

Dr. Marx

Dr. Marx is a specialist in treating the shoulder, elbow, and knee. He has expertise in both arthroscopic and open techniques for injuries to ligaments, meniscus, cartilage, rotator cuff, and labrum in addition to shoulder replacement surgery. He enjoys treating patients and athletes of all ages and abilities, working to help them get back to the activities that are most important in their lives.

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